Anthony Szczepkowski profile image Anthony Szczepkowski

The 3 Attributes That Make An Excellent Student

I've been a student all my life. I have seen many people from different walks of life and different learning styles, and here are the 3 attributes I have found that the best students have in common: Humility Adaptability Consistency Let's break down each of these.

The 3 Attributes That Make An Excellent Student
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 / Unsplash

I've been a student all my life. I have seen many people from different walks of life and different learning styles, and here are the 3 attributes I have found that the best students have in common:




Let's break down each of these.

To Learn One Must Be Humble

Ego is the enemy. If we think we know everything, then our cup is full. If we put aside our pride and recognize there is more to learn, then we can only then truly begin to learn.

Humility is not thinking less of oneself, but rather thinking of oneself less. Small change, big difference.

"The more I learn the less I realize I know." - Socrates.

If one of the smartest men of all time said he knew nothing, then we ought to learn to be humble. We're not thinking lower of ourselves, but rather seeing that there is more to learn. There is always more to learn.

I had to put aside my own pride when I was younger as it was keeping me from doing what I truly wanted to do: learning. I was arrogant at many times in my life, but I found that arrogance comes from a place of insecurity and the false ideal of perfection. This made me realize, if I just seek to learn and improve then that is good enough. I didn't think less of myself, I simply focused on the path of learning and growth.

Adapt, Overcome, Improvise

"You adapt, you overcome, you improvise!" - Highway (Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge).

Absolutely fantastic line and movie. Simply put, the ability to reshape ourselves to our surroundings make us well acquainted with challenge and the ability to overcome it. We have to be able to change based on the world we live in. The world does not budge for us, and life itself is constant change, so it would make sense that learning is also constant change,

This applies to learning in the sense that if I can learn no matter where I am, or what I am doing, then there is nothing I can not learn. The obstacle which impedes the way becomes the way (Ryan Holiday).

Being stagnant or stuck can happen, but it's not meant to be permanent, it's meant to be overcome. Being adaptable means being flexible with how you do things, it does not mean however being flexible with your morals.

Try to look at things from multiple angles, try to always find a solution, and don't ever give up.


Arguably the hardest among the 3, but also the most valuable. Intellect without the capacity to use it is a waste. But wits with an unrelenting drive will go far. Perfection is the enemy of the good, as the perfect plan will get you nowhere, but the good act compounded will get you far.

Time is what it takes to master a subject. It's not one gym session, or one guitar lesson that makes you extraordinary, but being able to do that one thing for an almost unreasonable amount of time.

"Extraordinary accomplishments come from doing ordinary things for extraordinary periods of time." - Alex Hormozi

The people who get the farthest have consistency, and any student I have seen does well through consistently going to class or consistently doing the assignments. It's not a one-and-done deal. It's a habit.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant
Anthony Szczepkowski profile image Anthony Szczepkowski